Unleashing Creativity, Unlocking Possibilities
Private Lessons (age 5+)
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Musicianship (Ages 7-18)
Students gain an understanding of music as a language and learn to apply their skills to become better musicians, no matter what instrument they play. Musicianship covers music theory, rhythmic and melodic dictation, ear training, and sight-singing with a strong emphasis on real-time performance skills – in other words, teaching music without the instrument. Classes meet once per week.
Music Fundamentals 1 introduces the building blocks of the language of music. The class focuses on sight-singing, rhythmic skills, and identifying scales, key signatures, and basic intervals. 30 minutes.
Music Fundamentals 2 continues directly from Music Fundamentals I. At the end of the course, students will be able to fluently read diatonic melodies, perform basic rhythmic and melodic dictation, and identify scales and key signatures. 30 minutes.
Intro to Theory and Aural Skills introduces the fundamentals of harmony. Students begin to explore the grammar and structure of music through the study of chords, cadences, and basic voice leading. 45 minutes.
Intermediate Theory and Aural Skills introduces students to non-diatonic and secondary chords, modulation, and musical form. By the end of the course, students will be able to apply their sight-singing and dictation skills to chromatic melodies and simple harmonies, and perform formal analysis of music from various time periods and styles. 60 minutes.
Lang Lang International Music Foundation x OCMD
Keys of Inspiration (Ages 7-12)
OCMD is proud to partner with the Lang Lang International Music Foundation to offer Keys of Inspiration. KOI gives students of all backgrounds a chance to experience the power of music by encouraging piano performance at all levels as a means of social development for youth. The Keys of Inspiration classroom provides students with a safe, creative outlet in school and gives them a chance to build self-confidence, develop a drive for excellence and a sense of achievement. KOI classes meet twice per week.
Class Schedule
Musicianship and KOI classes run September 9, 2024 – May 31, 2025, following the School of Music’s academic calendar. Click here to download the Musicianship and Keys of Inspiration class schedule: